TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Marionela Bojkova
- Basic Elements of the Political System
- Introducing Basic Cultural Characteristics of the Bulgarians
- Helping with the Adaptation Process through Potential Problems during the Stay and Techniques for Managing Crisis and Conflict Situations
- Creating suitable Atmosphere for Friendly Relationships between the Volunteers durint their Stay in Bulgaria
- Introducing the Elements of the Project and the Roles of the Participants
- Clarifying the Roles of the Supervisor and of the Mentor as Key Roles
- Making a Plan of Achieving Goals during the Volunteer Program
- Clarifying the Technical Elements
- Introducing the Main Goal, basic Elements and Competences of YouthPass, Examples for Valuation of own Learning Process
Volunteers from Germany, France, Poland, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Spain, Czech Republic and Switzerland
Interactive Methods for non-formal Education like Working in Groups, Roleplays, Simulations, Group and Single Reflection, Creativity Tasks, Discussions, Presentations
- All goals were achieved without making changes in the main work schedule
- Clarifying of all problems and questions connected with the EVS Projects with the help of the trainers
- Very good relationship between the volunteers and the representatives of the National Agency
Leading Trainer