This is a reference for Eelin Hoffström

EVS Midterm meeting

The training activity took place
in Oslo, Norway
organised by Bufdir (Norwegian NA)

Aims & objectives

The event was a EVS midterm evaluation, where volunteers from Norway got together for a reflection on their projects so far.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The participants were from all over Europe. We had about 60 volunteers participating.

Training methods used & main activities

The core method was forum theater, but we also spent time on commuication and self reflection.

Outcomes of the activity

The volunteers had a chance to get new insight in their own and other's projects. They also got a chance to feel empowered and resolve challanges they are facing.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a memeber in a 4 trainer team and I was in charge of both presenting Youthpass and communication methods. I also helped people with lower english skills with translation and explenations (Spanish and Italian).

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

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