TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Vojislav Vujic
Project “European Youth Work Accademy” will be hosted by CET Platform in Belgrade in Serbia between October 2015 and October 2016 and will include 29 participants on 3 activities from 24 partner organisations from Erasmus+ programme countries and Western Balkans. Objectives of project refer to objectives and needs of involved organisations, target group – youth workers and staff of involved organisations, EU policies, problems and issues of countries of involved organisations and general objectives of Erasmus+, specific objectives of youth activities of Erasmus+ and aims of Capacity Building Projects. Three training courses that will be implemented during the project are:Training of Management (TOM) will gather 29 staff of youth organisations and provide them with knowledge and experience related to fund rising, project management, communication with young people and inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, along with space for project planning within Erasmus+ and other fund. This activity will provide organisations with time and space to exchange example of good practice and work on strategic partnership plan, as well to prepare for another stages of the project including following mobility activities, follow up, dissemination and evaluation. This activity will have elements of partnership building projects.Training of Leaders (TOL) will involve future or youth workers with limited experience that are and will be in charge in their organisations to work directly with young people in local community or on international projects, including Youth Exchanges. After activity participants will be ready to plan and implement youth exchange, provide high quality work as youth leaders on youth exchanges, able to recognise and ensure support to young people with fewer opportunities in order to enable their undisturbed participation and involvement in activities. Leaders will have impact on projects ideas and proposals that will be developed on first activity within this project.Training of Trainers (TOT) will involve more experienced youth workers and staff from partner organisations in order to provide them with trainers skills and knowledge that will be used in sustainable education of other youth workers and young people about topics concerned with youth organisations and their activities and cooperation. Along with practical work, trainers will gain knowledge about trainer’s skills, tools such as Compass, Salto, T-Kit, and ETC Competence Model, UK NA Trainers portfolio, etc.Various form of non-formal education will be used such as brainstorming, presentations, individual and group work, simulations, role-plays, debates, dissuasions, etc. In order to measure achievements of objectives following indicators and methods will be used: evaluation, self-assessment, reflection groups, reporting on number of youth form target group involved, number of activities implemented, number of project proposals results created, etc.
Trainers were from Poland, United Kingdom and Croatia. Vojislav was invovled as a trainers in each mobility activity within the project.
Different non-formal education methods were used. Simulation, debates, discussions, work in small groups.
Materials useful for trinainers, group leaders and managers of interantional youth projects that were published on website of the project and shared with others.
Preparation of project, coordination of work of team of trainers. Trainer on the project.