This is a reference for Hugo Ribeiro

European Commitment for the Millennium Goals

The training activity took place
in Viseu, Portugal
organised by Adamastor
06.08.2015- 16-08-2015

Aims & objectives

We seek that international experience dowry participating / young to adapt to multicultural environments also promoting the portuguese culture and portuguese language. The level of this intercultural experience will be an asset for those involved in the project and foremost will be a plus for those organizations. In terms of personal development this project will contribute: to express opinions and personal feelings; communicate about issues related to social awareness and citizenship; pay attention to situations and problems manifesting involvement and curiosity; act assertively and effectively in social interactions established between the participants in the project; adapt their behavior to different experiential situations; adopt a critical attitude towards differing opinions.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The participating countries were Portugal, Slovakia, Italy, Greece and Bulgaria.

Training methods used & main activities

Name games
Working methods :
Individual, pairs, small groups, bigger groups
Making presentations
Other training exercises in the topic

Outcomes of the activity

By this project we intended to raise awareness among youngsters to this reality in order to be more active in local organizations and may know out to act if they witnee such situation.
There are skills, in such kind of projects, that can only be obtained if youngster goes further than their confort zone. This is the case , for example , the relational skills ; 's initiative ; adaptability to new contexts ; flexibility for integration in multinational teams , or fluency in spoken and written foreign language . Skills that tend to be especially encouraged when participation in international mobility and non-formal education programs.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team


I worked on this training for 10 days as a full time trainer.

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