TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Darya Arystava
The project aims to develop vocational skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship of socially disadvantaged young men and women.
- Contribute to the development of educational opportunities and labor potential of youth;
- Expand the access of socially vulnerable young people to employment;
- Create opportunities for the development of youth entrepreneurship.
Armenia, Belarus and Georgia by the Armenian Red Cross Society, the Belarusian Red Cross Society and the Georgian Red Cross Society with the support of the Danish Red Cross in partnership with the Danish Youth Red Cross and the Danish consulting company Connectio in cooperation with government agencies and NGOs.
Learning throug doing metodology, peer to peer, active involvment, debates, brainstorming, reflection, flipcharts creation, active listening.
Ice Breakers, Team buildings, and Get to Know Each Other Activities (Name games, monsters, energizers etc.)
Group activities (Forum theather, world cafe etc.)
Topic oriented activities with active listening and peer to peer metodologies.
- Participants learned the necessary competencies about goal setting, communication and conflict management;
- Participants studied the basic tools for getting a job and interacting with society: we learned to set goals and determine ways to achieve them, determined ways of effective communication - both verbal and non-verbal, tried our hand at leadership, established effective interaction with other people, determined the causes of conflicts, ways to solve them, the possibility of conflict-free behavior and many other important aspects of life;
- 12 information centers opened in Gomel and Mogilev regions.
Facilitating, graphic facilitation,preparation of the materials, creating the training and activities program, implementing the activities, controlling group dynamic, introduction, reflection, dissemination.