TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Jovan Stalevski
The main objective of the project “Empowering young job-seekers" was to develop competences of youth workers for empowering the young people in their countries easily to integrate into labor markets, to share best practices and to Therefore the main objective of the training course “Empowering
young jobseekers" was to develop competences of youth workers for empowering the young people in their countries easily to integrate into labor markets, to share best practices and to network. It will strengthen the vital connections between European labor market needs and skills developed through non formal education. Or simply the training will develop skills, knowledge and competencies of youth workers, necessary for becoming healthy, productive, creative workers and participants for building better civic society.
In this training courses participated 36 youth workers from Albania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Malta, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey.
The organizing team was composed from 2 stuff members from the host organisation and 2 trainers.
The methodology of the project "Empowering young job seekers" was designed so as to facilitate the acquisition of skills and specific knowledge using non-formal education in the development of human
personality and developing set of skills necessary for young people in everyday life. The Training Course was designed to be participatory, active and hands-on so that youth participants are actively engaged in the learning process, have the opportunity to practice and enhance new skills, and gain the self-confidence necessary to find and keep work. The non-formal learning was the main characteristic of the training.Through the use of a variety of activities, learner-centered teaching methods, the curriculum created build on and enhance the participants’ existing knowledge and skills and provide the opportunity for practical experience in various workforce readiness topics.
• to empower young people for employment and economic development;
• to provide participants with career development tools to fight unemployment;
• to Increase long-term labor market competitiveness of European youth;
• to assist in better integration of youth into the labor market;
• to develop new skills and qualification among participants in order to respond on labor market needs and to promote lifelong learning;
• to present non-formal learning methods as an instrument that can incite dialogue between young people;
• to provide a new framework for dealing with youth unemployment;
• to improve collaboration between organizations from EU and SEE countries and to create stronger partnerships for future projects in the European Context.
The project in the social medias:
Tasks and responsibilities:
- Full time trainer
- Session development for 8 working days
- Delivering sessions
- Observe each participant (e.g. behavioural patterns, group dynamics, interaction, emotional state etc)
- Ensure that your participants stay in between the comfort- and panic –zone (stretching/learning zone).
- facilitate the process of fostering their own skills
- developing program content
- developing workbook and participant's additional materials