This is a reference for Andrei`` Sasu

Emplyability as an Oportunity

The training activity took place
in Ponte de Lima, Portugal
organised by Geoclube | Associação Juvenil
15 - 22 October 2019
Reference person

Maria Enea

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Projects' objectives:
- To enhance 27 youth workers' competences on career guidance, counseling, orienteering, and
coaching unemployed youth, with practical tools during the mobility;
- To develop 27 youth workers' knowledge regarding EU youth opportunities by exploring and
mapping platforms, portals, strategies and websites for European job opportunities and the ways to
use them to enhance active job search of young people;
- To develop during the whole implementation of the project a network of youth workers and leaders
among EU to collect and promote best practices, challenges, ideas, obstacles and policies related
with youth employability in Europe;
- To share and create efficient and creative models for CV creation and undertaking of job interviews;
- To empower the role of the E+ program and NFE as tools to boost the employability and labor
market awareness of youngsters in EU.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The project involved 27 youth workers from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Belgium and Malta and took place in Ponte de Lima, Portugal, between 15 and 22 October 2019.

Training methods used & main activities

Our daily program was divided in 4 - 1:30 hours sessions, 1 hours reflection/evaluation and inter-cultural evenings. In terms of NFE methods (indoor-outdoor), we have used in a holistic approach:
- Energisers before each session;
- Plenary inputs by trainers/experts;
- Guest speakers/study visits - opportunity to listen and observe how ‘others do it’;
- Presentations of participants;
- Digital content creation sessions (videos, posters, e-guide);
- Topic-related board games;
- Team-building, ice-breaking activities;
- One-to-one, group work based on discussion, debates, brainstorming, sharing ideas;
- Learning by doing - especially when testing the tools and undertaking practical exercises;
- Role-play, world-café, forum theater;
- Study cases, problem solving scenarios;
- Cultural awareness activities;
- Daily reflection/evaluations of the learning process;

Outcomes of the activity

Official Facebook page -

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the main trainer within the project.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Andrei was a very good trainer and it was very helpful in developing competences on participants during the training.

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