TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for InĂªs Moreira
The Eduk8 Starter is the annual basic training for trainers programme of Erasmus Student Network. The event had 44 participants gathered in Madeira, Portugal to gain skills and knowledge to be non-formal education facilitators, within the ESN network. The training focused on design, implementation, and follow-up of workshops and training events, verbal facilitation, public speaking, amongst others, all within the social inclusion, subtopics of disability, gender and migration. This event was the first of a 4-event work plan supported by the European Youth Foundation.
The team was composed of myself and 3 other trainers: Eliza Popper from Hungary, Ivan Kobelev from Austria and Osiris Hoepel from the Netherlands.
The training event was delivered to a group of 44 participants from 19 nationalities: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.
The training was fully designed with non-formal education methods and we used a diversified variety of these methods during the event, also to present them to our young participants aspiring to be trainers themselves. The training design was participants centered and built upon expectations collected from the participants prior to the event, as well as adapted each day based on the feedback received from the group. During the event we used group work, discussions, simulations, role plays, fishbowl discussions, world cafe and open space, to mention a few methodologies.
By the end of the training, the 43 participants were able to fully design, deliver, and follow-up on up to 3h workshops on the topic of social inclusion, with a focus on either disability, gender or migration. Participants also developed their verbal facilitation and public speaking skills, their self-awareness and ability to give and receive feedback, ability to manage a group and with a co-trainer, amongst others training-related skills.
As a trainer at this event I was in charge of co-creation and co-delivery of the full programme of the event.
The team of trainers worked together during a preparation phase of 2 months before the event and also throughout the whole event (having daily meetings) in the design of the educational content. The event had 2 parallel tracks who were delivered exactly the same content and the training delivery was made in 2 pairs, where each pair of co-trainers was assigned a track for the entire duration of the event. The team of 4 trainers also worked together after the event to ensure follow-up (collection of feedback from participants and production of a handout with the outcomes of the event).