TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Andriy Donets
Training Course "EastWest EVS Quality Quest" aimed at developing competences of EVS projects coordinators and mentors in cooperation between Programme Countries and EECA region, focusing esp. on different quality elements of EVS projects.
TC "EastWest EVS" brought together 21 EVS coordinators from accredited organisations interested in setting up new EVS projects:
- 11 participants from Programme Countries (Estonia, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia)
- 10 participants from EECA countries (Armenia, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine).
The whole programme of the training was based on the one common narration – story, which was inviting participants to go on the “boat quest” (as pirates did in the past), searching for the treasures. Treasures in our case were different quality elements of EVS projects identified and discussed deeper during the programme (one element for each session).
Moreover – different creative elements were introduced to reinforce this narration and make the learning process more coherent for participants. Thus, for example during the whole training “a diamond was constructed” which “walls” represented different quality elements of EVS projects (one wall = one quality elements).
Programme, integration parts as well as methods used during the training were coherent with the “quest story”, thus making the learning process easier and more interesting for participants.
Moreover, the training course was based on the following essential methodological principles:
• Creating for participants the space where they can learn by: getting inputs from other participants, trainers, as well as resource people (SALTO and NA staff)
• Using variety of methods which can match different needs and learning styles (working in the small groups, simulations, plenary discussions, creative methods, energizers)
• Providing space for regular reflections (both individual and in the reflection groups)
• Paying attention to learning process and outcomes: there was daily reflection round which enable participants to share their feedback from the session of the day.
The course provided opportunities for participants to get to know and to work with EVS projects quality criteria. On the other hand it had a strong partnership building component. For now we know at least 4 new projects were developed by the participants of the course and submitted to several NAs. The full report can be requested from SALTO EECA.
My tasks were to prepare the course together with the co-trainer and representatives of SALTO EECA and Polish NA, implement the educational programme, evaluate and develop the report. I worked as a full time trainer all 7 days of the course.