TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Giorgi Kakulia
The “Eastern Express” aims at rising quality of Youth Exchanges within action 3.1 of Youth in Action (YiA) programme, especially in cooperation between Programme and Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EECA) region.
The objectives of “Eastern Express” are as follow:
- To create opportunities for building partnerships (through creating trustworthy relations);
- To increase knowledge about essentials of Youth in Action and 3.1 in particular (aims, priorities and formal criteria);
- To increase understanding of quality demands of the youth exchanges with special attention to active youth participation:
o Equal partnerships and preparation (co-creation of the idea and co-ownership of the project);
o Quality of project design as a core (youth exchange project management);
o Quality of content and methodology: non-formal learning, intercultural learning, European dimension, active participation;
o Quality of project reach (visibility of the programme and the project, dissemination and exploitation of results, follow-up).
The target group of the training course were participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Poland, Turkey, Slovenia and Romania.
The team was composed as follows:
Marta Piszczek, Trainer from Spain;
Giorgi Kakulia, Trainer from Georgia;
Andreea Popovici, Romanian NA;
Karolina Suchecka, SALTO EECA.
The training was conducted through using non-formal educational methodology. Diversity of the methods were applied, such are simulation exercises, group building activities, group work, presentations, role plays etc.
Based on the evaluation of the participants training reached its aims. The average satisfaction with the training was 9.3 out of 10.
As well as concrete results were achieved, as a result participants developed partnersships and Six youth exchange projects involving participants both from EECA region and programme countries of the Youth in Action programme.
My role was preparation of the programme flow, methods, methodology and content, as well as conduction of the training, evaluation of it and writing final report.