TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Diana-Adela Ionita
E+Quality Week: Improving Project Management Competences in Youth Work is an Erasmus+ 6-day mobility for youth workers, implemented by EUROSUD [IT]. The training course aimed to improve youth workers' project management competences, develop youth workers' skills to plan, implement, monitor and assess TC's quality, encourage youth workers to share insights and best practices regarding TC'S quality and foster collaboration at European level, within Erasmus+ framework, between NGOs.
The countries involved were: Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Spain and Malta.
Non-formal education methods such as (but not only): energisers & icebreakers, team-building activities, world-cafe, quizzes, storytelling, intercultural dialogue, outdoor campaigning, non-formal feedback & evaluation activities.
E+Quality Toolbox, #EPlusQuality online materials