TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Ahmet Öncel
In our project, youth organizations from Turkey, Romania, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, and Greece participated as partners. A total of 25 youth workers from 8 countries, along with 5 facilitators, were involved in the activities. During the project, the following activities were conducted during the preparation phase: examining the impact of climate change in the partner countries, conducting a Menti survey, assessing the needs of the organizations, and studying the living beings affected by climate change. Based on the results obtained, an 8-day training course was conducted in Antalya, Turkey. This program included an investigation of the large forest fire areas in Antalya, game-based and drama-supported workshops, debates, and group work. Activities were held at the municipality's recycling and environmental center. Additionally, a Climate Change-themed Flash Mob performance was held publicly. Local climate change workshops supported by games and drama were conducted.
ACC is an Erasmus+ project. The training course was held in Antalya, Turkey, in March 2024. Thirty youth workers attended the training course to learn about game- and drama-based climate change education. The project was coordinated by Oba.
Partners: Noi Ortadini (Italy), Greentin (Romania), Back to Roots (Spain), LEVEL UP (Poland), Neapolis (Greece), VsI "uMunthu" (Lithuania).
Helene Olympe
Çağlar İnce
Outdoor Learning,
Game Based Learning,
Creative Drama,
World Cafe,
Round Table,
Flash Mob,
İmage Theatre...
Training sessions by using creative drama and game based learning.
- Preparetion of final event ( flash mob about climate change) open to public.