TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Bosko Nelkoski
An accent will be put on the networking in order to follow- up with joined projects of exchange of volunteers and specific project ideas on how to undertake further specific steps in targeting youth employability. This training will offer workshops, project management sessions, YiA possibilities, Presentations of EVS and other volunteering programs, and networking and work on follow-up projects that target youth employability for 38 pax. On this training we will explore volunteering, internships and employment; the group will visit workplaces, meet with employers and share their experiences with the other participants.
In these complex times for Europe, youth employability is a vital concern as many countries are facing high youth unemployment rates. With this project we would like to respond to the current pressures and challenges of youth unemployment through reinforcing possibilities in the civil sector that offer self- empowerment of the young people through upgrading their skills, changing their expectations and offering possibilities for a pro- active approach through practical volunteering experiences.
In this project we will have 33 participants coming from 11 countries, 2 trainers and 3 support staff.
We had participants from Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.
We’ll include sessions on how volunteers can become more aware of the qualifications, skills and qualities required in different occupations, and how they match up to these. We will try to gain an insight into the relationship between the academic studies of the volunteers and their application in the workplace. On the sessions, we will go through the benefits of volunteering for employability, such as the fact that young people can write a fuller and more interesting CV, range of skills helpful to a future employer, it can be the first stage in the selection process, even if no jobs are immediately on offer, it helps build a network of contacts. Young people's employment prospects are improved by volunteering because it helps them develop the skills and confidence that improve their chances of getting a job. Volunteering is particularly successful in helping vulnerable and low-skilled young people to re-engage with learning and in raising their personal and career ambitions. We are aware that young people recognize volunteering as a means to improve their employability and to enhance their CV, but it’s also a great chance to get an improved insight into future careers and an opportunity to earn certificates, complete qualifications and develop contacts.
The participants got lot of new information about the possibilities offered around Europe as active employment policies.
Youth in action and new generations of programmes have been presented (the main pointers for the new generation of programmes).
Full time trainer