This is a reference for Vera Goriunova

Dictionary of Youth

The training activity took place
in Murzasichle, Poland
organised by Fundacja Innowacyjnej Edukacji

Aims & objectives

DEVELOP strategies to handle communications in working with diverse groups of refugees, migrants and people with fewer opportunities ( ethnical/ religious minorities)
- develop English communication and non-verbal strategies to tackle cultural differences in order to facilitate understanding in intercultural and
international partnerships
CREATE space for NGOs and youth workers to cooperate in the implementation of joint initiatives in the topic of integration of migrants and refugees on local, regional and international level;
EXCHANGE best practices in relation to youth work and intercultural learning
PROVIDE participants with practical tools to activate and improve their English language skills.
- information and vocabulary about mobility and Erasmus+ programmes as well as project management in order to create joint initiatives in the topic of
integration of migrants and refugees
HELP participants improve their existing communication skills in English and in non-verbal communication in order to develop educational activities for
social inclusion of migrants and refugees
REHEARSE practical situations where English and non-verbal communication is required

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Training course was open for youth workers, trainers, youth leaders and teachers.
Participants from Poland, Russia, Italy, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Serbia, Lithuania, Turkey took part in the activity, 32 participants in total.

Training methods used & main activities

We used the methods based on the principles of non-formal education, non-frontal and highly participative fitting different learning styles.
Some of the methods: simulations, experiential learning activities,role-plays, discussions, buzz-groups, debriefing after experiential learning activities, individual and group reflection, feedback sessions, preparation of the workshops etc.

Outcomes of the activity

The training aimed at the development of the communication skills of the participants and participants had a lot of opportunities to learn and practice their skills. One of the main results of the project was preparation ad implementation of an educational activity in English which participants had to facilitate by themselves applying gained knowledge to practice.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

a trainer

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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