TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Ferah Şenaydın
The teacher training course aimed to raise awareness of teachers about social inclusion of vulnerable individuals in classroom practices. Specifically the objectşve was to ensure a conceptual development about social inclusion and integration, as well as equipping teachers with practical tools and methods to achieve this goal.
This training course involved participants from Romania and Turkey who were teachers working at highschool level.
The training was based on non formal methodology including buzz group discussions, debates, world cafe, and other experiential learning activities like simulation games, and drama. The project also includes a field trip where the participants had a chance to observe practices of social inclusion of individuals with disadvanages, and share and exchange ideas.
The participants grew deepwr understanding about the needs of vulnerable individuals, made an empathy about their specific experiences. They also gained some practical skills and had an access for pedagogical tools to design learning activities that will help them include disadvantaged groups in education.
I was the trainer in this project leading the training facilities in the venue with another trainer colleague. Apart from active facilitation, ı was also responsşble for the evaluation and assessment of the learning out comes.