TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Edouard PORTEFAIX
• To provide young people from different communities facing conflict
and challenging intercultural situations in their everyday life, with a
neutral space for meeting, engaging in dialogue and learning about
non-violence approaches, where they could have a positive experience
in living and learning together;
• To reflect on the role that young people can play in conflict
transformation and intercultural dialogue;
• To share best practices and develop links between young people and
youth organisations from Armenia, Azerbaijan, France and Georgia.
• To develop the competences (knowledge, skills and attitude) of
participants in the youth field in a multicultural context, including a
critical understanding of personal and collective identities and their role
in conflicts;
• To share and learn from each other as young people involved in the
youth field who are confronted by intercultural challenges and violence
in their everyday life;
• To reflect personally and collectively on the concepts of non-violence,
human rights, intercultural learning and dialogue in the youth field;
• To learn about young people’s realities in the participating countries;
• To motivate and support participants in their role as multipliers and
peer leaders in intercultural dialogue activities with young people from
their organisations and communities;
• To work on follow-up projects involving youth and youth organisations
from Armenia, Azerbaijan, France and Georgia.
Target group: young people involved in youth work at local level from Armenia, Azerbaijan, France and Georgia
Team : France and UK
Throughout the seminar non‐formal education and progressive education principles were used as the key learning-methodologies. This included experiential learning, role‐plays, discussions, artistic and creative activities, group assignments, reflection, individual work, small groups, plenary discussions, inputs and exercises. Each day started with energizers, a review of the previous day and participants’ suggestions. Each day was also concluded by a small mixed group review, debriefing the activities and participants’ personal experiences of the day.
Project coordinator and trainer