This is a reference for Andrei Popescu

Cross-Sectoral Forum on Youth Participation in Democratic Life!

The training activity took place
in Jūrmala, Latvia
organised by New Power in Youth SNAC hosted by hosted by the Latvian NA
28 - 30 November 2023
Reference person

Veronica Ștefan

(European Coordinator )
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

This event was a vibrant space of learning and exchange as a result of the collaborative effort under the third work package of the New Power in Youth Strategic Partnership. The main aims were to:

- Contribute to a shared understanding of youth participation in democratic life in both formal and non-formal sectors - what are the main concepts & approaches
- Create a space for mutual learning - including practices connected to school education & civic education citizenship as well as youth work sector & youth participation
- Identify key competences to advance cross-sectoral cooperation
- Inspire professionals from both sectors to identify avenues for working together and potentially develop joint projects in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

40 participants from 6 countries
(representatives both from the youth sector and school education)

Training methods used & main activities

As rapporteur I was in charge with observing and tracking the most important contributions that were included later on into the report.
The most important tools used was howspace, a community building platform collecting the information and offering a easy method to summarize and interpret large quantities of data.

Outcomes of the activity

The report and main outcomes are available at:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

The main task was to collect all the relevant information and compile them in a coherent report.
Other important task was related to offering support to the organizing team and facilitators via howspace in order to engage participants more effectively before, during and after the event.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Andrei is a great expert who truly contributed to the success of the event.
He was able to work closely with the entire team, before-during -and after the event, to capture all details of our sessions.
By facilitating the our work through Howspace he brought added value to our event, beyond his task as rapporteur, capturing analytics and insights which otherwise wouldn't have been possible.
Moreover, Andrei has a broad understanding of the topics youth participation and civic education, allowing him to "translate" the needs and ideas of professionals in both formal and non-formal sectors.
Strongly recommending him for both residential and online activities!

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