TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Justina Garbauskaite-Jakimovska
This seminar was a part of the continuous process of exploring community impact of learning mobility, which is implemented by the members of the European Platform on Learning Mobility.
The seminar was designed for youth workers and organisations and included:
- An introduction to the existing practical guide with background theory and research;
- Exploring the understanding of Community Impact as a concept;
- Facilitated processes to feedback on the utility and possibilities of the Practical Guide – How it can be used? What is missing? What should be done next?
- Interactive co-creation process to develop a plan on what more is needed by youth workers and organisations across Europe related to Community Impact in Learning Mobility projects.
The group of participants came from Latvia, Estonia, North Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.
The team was composed of professionals coming from United Kingdom, Portugal, Lithuania, Austria, and Romania.
The seminar was based on non-formal learning principles. The activities included sharing of experiences and understandings between participants and the team, discussions, theoretical input on community impact, and possibilities to measure it.
Working in a small group allowed interactive sharing of experience and contribution of ideas and suggestions in more informal way which added to the mutual learning of the group also outside of the pre-set agenda.
Feedback and ideas were collated and built on, with some of the best ideas going on to influence the workplans of National Agencies and the Resource Centre related to their ongoing priority of supporting Community Impact in the European Programmes.
The participants gave feedback on the Practical guide, came up with ideas how to use it in their daily work, to whom to promote it, how to aim for more community impact through the learning mobilities that their organisations are implementing, etc.
co-designing the programme and the sessions, co-implementing the programme with the group, writing the report.
Justina is an experienced trainer working in the youth field. She has good energy and knows her stuff. She's great to work with in a team too.