This is a reference for Dr A. Biba Rebolj

Coaching for Change

The training activity took place
in Frankolovo, Slovenia
organised by Ribalon Institute
25.8. - 3.9.2016

Aims & objectives

A Training Course for youth workers and youth leaders working with young people with fewer opportunities to learn Brief coaching skills and techniques in order to address the needs of young people effectively and efficiently.
Through this Training Course, we are aiming to reinforce the quality of the supporting services by improving the skills of those professionals working directly with young people with fewer opportunities. Coaching for Change supports different organizations in developing quality services that involve young people with fewer opportunities by educating youth workers of how to coach youngsters with the Brief Coaching approach and methodology.

This project equips youth workers with simple strategies and techniques to engage with the young people they work with and make change easier. They develop coaching skills and practice conversations, which help young people, experience success, improve their lives and become more confident of themselves. They become more confident of their future and want to achieve more.

When individuals (youth workers as well as through them young people with fewer opportunities) learn to cope better and expand their minds, so expands their level of tolerance, acceptance, curiosity and courage. These values are crucial in a new-forming Europe, where we need people with expanded minds to address the issues of migration, refugees, asylum seekers in a way that embraces diversity as a value, instead of a thread. Such people are then able to create a thriving society that respects human life and rights and views it as priorities instead constantly pushing towards making profits.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Training for 27 participants from 11 EU countries,3 coaches and trainers, 3 support workers

Training methods used & main activities

Brief coaching is scientifically proven to be a highly effective, efficient, and person-centred method to achieve desired change/goals. Good quality coaching is a tool that is more than often reserved for people who can afford it. Youngsters with fewer opportunities have minimal chances to benefit from modern approaches that improve lives, performance and behaviour. Further, youth workers who work with these groups are often too busy to attend a high quality training that would equip them with effective tools. This training course fills this gap and offers high quality training with four professional facilitators in Brief Coaching for change, in order to spread the skills of coaching to the disadvantaged.

Outcomes of the activity

Gained skills of being proactive and effective in complex situations
Understanding of Brief Coaching and experiencing its advantages (understanding how it differs from other coaching approaches)
Flexibility and alertness to act and/or react - to be alert to the environment
Knowing when to step forward and to stop and take a step back in conversations
Insights into individual's already existing coping strategies (emphasizing instances of successful change management)
Learn how to ask the right questions rather than providing right answers
Learn to cope with complex, unmanageable situations
Reflection and mindfulness about one's own learning process (realizing how I learn best and when)
A challenging learning experience in real time environment, where amplifying change is necessary in order to function well
Decreased or removed burnout at work and in personal life through learning the principles of constructive listening and problem free talk

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the three trainers and coaches on the activity, as well as one of the organisers (coordinators)

I worked on this training for 10 days as a full time trainer.

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