This is a reference for Aikaterini (Kat) Antonakou

Co-operation Youth Vote: Enabling future active European citizens (COYV)

The training activity took place
in Lisbon, Portugal
organised by Young Educators, JEF Europe, OBESSU,LLLP
25-28 November 2022
Reference person

Felix Soares

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

1 – Understand the challenges of youth engagement and participation (voting) following the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and develop tools to address it. The objectives related to the first aim are:

To examine the challenges and motivations of young people, especially first-time voters, to engage in European initiatives and their interest in voting in the 2024 European Parliament elections.
To develop and try out educational tools, a toolkit and communication actions to address the identified challenges.
2 – And to develop an informal alliance of youth organisations that will work together on encouraging youth participation in democratic elections – both from peers and policy makers. The objectives related to the second aim are:

To offer space for networking among youth organisations, and exchange good practices on educational and communication actions.
To prepare an action plan of how youth organisations in partnership can reach as many first time voters as possible for EP elections 2024.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

30 - 35 young Europeans
Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Austria

3 Trainers
-Greece, Belgium, Portugal

Training methods used & main activities

-Group work

Outcomes of the activity

• The development of partnerships between the different youth organisations that will be
• Exchange of good practices and experiences focusing on increasing the participation rate of young people at different levels.
• A draft voting toolbox

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

In the team I was the junior trainer.

I was responsible for the team building games, the energizer and the icebreakers and for the reflection (to give them the tools, collect the everyday feedback etc). Also, I was responsible for the Training of Trainers, part of the event, (preparation, delivery, support to the participants while they were designing and practising their sessions by providing feedback and ideas). Lastly, I was responsible for the feedback. (I found the methods, created the flipcharts, explained the whole session)

I worked on this training for 4 days as a full time trainer.

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