This is a reference for Luis Fernando Marcelino

“Χτίζοντας το σχολείο του αύριο”

The training activity took place
in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto - Sicily, Italy
organised by Eproject Consult
25/02/2015 to 04/03/2015

Aims & objectives

To receive training in the field of teaching methodologies for teachers expertized in History and Mathematics respectively, thereby they gained experience needed for their professional career and become acquainted with the Italian education system.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The group consisted of one teacher of History, who was the headmaster of the school also, and one teacher of Mathematics.

Training methods used & main activities

The training consisted of seminars, workshops and study visits in local schools. The methods were based on mathematic strategy games, etnomathematic and logic recreative mathematics problems.

Outcomes of the activity

Improve the skills and competencies of participants in the teaching sector;
Improve the quality of, and access to, continuing training and the lifelong acquisition of skills and competencies with a view to developing adaptability;
Acquisition of knowledge and experiences, exchange of ideas, and knowhow for good practices in teaching approaches, supporting structures for students and co-operation with local enterprises and businesses.
Promote and reinforce the contribution of training in the process of innovation related to teaching methodologies;
Identify the characteristics of effective participatory, consensus building, and conflict management processes.
Identify behaviours that escalate conflict during a dispute and identify behaviours that halt this escalation.
Selection of appropriate techniques for a participatory process.
Linguistic and cultural knowledge about Italy;
Promotion of European values about mobility, cultural exchange and cooperation between different countries.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the responsible trainer for the programme.

I worked on this training for 26/02 to 03/03 days as a full time trainer.

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