This is a reference for Ieva Ulianskaite

Bring Heroes to Life

The training activity took place
in Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
organised by Sabai Tréning Egyesület
5-13 April 2018

Aims & objectives

Aims & objectives
Youth work puts lots of focus on developing the competences and the capacities of young
people (POTENTIAL). European Commission invests in youth’ education, offering dozens of
programs to increase their mobility and support their employment. Though above all, the new
need arises that all this potential must be put into REALITY. Why? As the POTENTIAL is
still yet to arise, still yet to be brought to LIFE. There are competent youths (=HERO) and we
need to start implementing the potential into life, to put competences into practice. It is time to
support youth in order to “BRING HEROES TO LIFE”.
The training will be based on the elements of experiential learning, self-directed learning and
non-formal education (NFE). Aim:
The aim of the project is to enhance competences of youth workers to support young people
cultivating their competences purposefully for personal, professional and social growth.
1. To increase the knowledge of youth workers related to the transferability of non-formal and
informal learning acquisitions into competences;
2. To increase the understanding level of youth workers why a purpose in life is significant for
young people;
3. To develop the skills of youth workers in supporting young people applying their
competences in a purposeful way;
4. To increase the motivation of youth workers in conducting young people to use their
competences (professionally and personally);
5. To create a professional follow-up plan in order for youth workers to use it with the young
people they work with.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Youth workers, trainers, coaches, teachers, youth leaders

Training methods used & main activities

Discussions, work in pairs, trios, small and big groups, interactive role-playing games, icebreakers, team-building, simulations, theatre, mindfulness, movement meditation, intercultural event, energizers, daily evaluations

Outcomes of the activity

- increased competences of the youth workers directly involved in the project;
- video with information and key elements of the project;
- articles outlining the importance of transferring the competencies into practice and the
purpose in life.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Together with trainer team and coordinators, create safe learning space for the group, support building team spirit, contributing to overall success of the project bringing in mindfulness non-formal education tools and conducting each mornings reflective well-being sessions.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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