TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Andreea Maris
The participants will learn and explore together the phenomena of human trafficking and will try to develop instruments and activities that can be later on used at local level in an awareness raising campaign.
The participants will acquire and improve the next competences:
- the state of art of human trafficking in Europe and beyond;
- information about Erasmus+ programme and the Youthpass;
- get aware of how Human Trafficking (HT) is breaching Human Rights;
- understand several of the international and European legal instruments for fighting human trafficking;
- get a image of the national realities existentt in the participating countries;
- able to develop and implement an awareness raising and information campaign;
- developing their communication skills with persons from other countries;
- ability to plan, promote and organize events;
- tolerance for diversity;
- empathy and considerance ;
- acceptance, positive atittude towards victims of human trafficking;
- responsability towards eradicating human trafficking;
The training course will be the first activity and will take place between 24-30.11.2014 in Deva, Romania. 30 participants from 7 countries (Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Georgia, Sweden, Italy and Turkey) representing countries of origin, transit and destination for human trafficking.
The 6 days training course will be based on non-formal education methods like presentations, role-plays, study visits at the National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons and Deva County Police Department, brain-storming, development of instruments and activities etc.
During the project lifespan the partners have organized at least one local activity through which they have aimed to raise awareness of the local population related with the phenomena of human trafficking.
The participants have developed two types of awareness raising campaignes, one for source and transit countries and one for destination countries and the campaignes have been used in implementing the above described local events. For information about them please visit DAC's webpage:
Design the schedule and the methods used in the TC;
Prepare materials;
Selecting a co-trainer;
Hold the training;
Report the training.