TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Dora Preszeller
The aim of the training course is to bring together 28 people involved in non-formal education to reflect on challenges of youth employability, by developing
communicational skills.
The aim is supported by the following objectives:
- To support 28 participants from 7 European countries in improving their communication skills connected to employability for 7 months
- To support these participants increase the quality of intra-personal and interpersonal communication skills in the context of non-formal education
- To share best practices of participants in usage of communication skills and tools in their work with young people
- To reflect on their own learning using the key competences of the Youthpass
The TC will be implemented in the frames of the “Erasmus+” programme of the European Commission and was financially supported by the Romanian National Agency.
The main target group is composed of professionals, volunteer youth workers or trainers, all working in the youth sector. Participants’ countries are the following: Romania, Hungary, Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Turkey and Spain. All participants will be +18, already active on the youth field, some of them facing geographical or economic obstacles.
By using interactive and non-formal methods, the participants will become highly
involved in the project and will be able to develop their own skills and practical knowledge. The training working principles are based on experiential
pedagogy. World café, ice breaking, discussion in pairs, in 3, small groups, whole group,story telling, debate, theater, simulation, evaluations
The participants will also develop other competencies needed for the development of efficient communication, social inclusion and insertion on the labour market: learning from experience, learning from real-life situations, working with uncertainty, assuming responsibility toward team.
-deciding on project size and time frame;
-identifying SMART objectives and goals, expected results ;
-obtain agreement from all partners and stakeholders;
-develop Project Management Plan
- before the training, the recruited participants will be invited by organizers to an online platform
- Sharing background material and assessment tools with the aim of preparing them for learning and self-development process
- planning and implementing the training activities in a non-formal context, using non-formal methods, techniques and instruments