TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Annan Mohamed
The aim of the Training Project “Be brave: empower yourself” is: To support and strengthen the civic participation and contribution of youth and young women organizations from Euromed region towards the development of Gender Equality and Democracy by:
Identifying and discussing needs and challenges faced by youth and young women in the Euro-Med region through intercultural dialogue, focused on the freedom of expression in several spheres of life;
Providing participants the opportunity to learn new skills needed to freely express their opinion and participation in public life and to improve the use of non-formal education methods and how to create innovative tools to empower young women by increasing their capacity for freedom of expression & fight against exclusion;
Enhancing the knowledge of participants on the Erasmus + Programme and encourage networking to develop future projects related to the topics of Gender Equality, Democracy, Intercultural dialogue and Human Rights and to study the possibility to create an Strategic Partnership between partners organizations on the topic for the future.
19 participants aged 21 -30
Participant’s Countries: Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Italy, Hungary and Spain. (One of the Spanish participants is from Turkey)
Participants will share their different countries realities as to Gender Equality, and the challenges faced by women in their different spheres of life (private, professional & public). It will also develop their skills needed to freely express their opinion and practice democracy, using tools and methods learned as well as developed during the training course. It will be delivered through workshops, info-sessions, learning by doing, meetings with women & youth associations and cultural visits. All methods and tools will be based on non formal and informal education, in which the participants will take an active part (before, during and after the training), allowing time for personal participation, group research and work, group discussions, presentations, personal and group reflection time and evaluation (daily, mid-term and at the end) giving them the opportunity to create, share and implement their own ideas on Gender issues through the exchange of knowledge, living the Biographic method and Digital Story Telling, rol-playing and presentations as a resource for Empowering Women.
their own tools and productions to be used in projects through their organizations to raise awareness as to Gender Equality supported by the Handbook "Be brave: empower yourself" as a collective/participative didactic material.
- Running sessions on Gender Equality, Local Realities and creation of tools
- Daily evaluation
- Implementing the Flow of the training