This is a reference for Dominique Verschuren

Be A Change Maker

The training activity took place
in Bonn, Germany and Antwerp, Belgium
organised by rootAbility and Connected Elephant
May and November 2016

Aims & objectives

Training Course about identity and sustainability. About how the participants can contribute to a more sustainable life (ecological, social, economical and how they can inspire their surroundings).

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Two trainers and 24 participants from Germany, Belgium, Romania, Moldova, Czech republic, Poland, Spain, Italy, UK, Slovakia...

Training methods used & main activities

Collective methods with a lot of collaboration, discussion but also chats in pairs and exercises in smaller groups. Reflection, evaluation, coaching.

Outcomes of the activity

The participants used coaching tools in their own community and also implements a concrete action in their community which they designed in this TC. On our Facebookgroup you find more info about this.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the trainer and organiser.

I worked on this training for 5 days days as a full time trainer.

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