TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Valters Melderis
1. Acknowledge the achievements and impact of EVS in Baltic states since the beginning of the programme
2. Analyse the current situation of EVS and create the future vision of EVS in Baltic states
3. Ensure the visibility of EVS and create ways how to promote wider use of EVS possibilities in Baltic states
4. Celebrate and appreciate efforts of EVS stakeholders in Baltic states
30 participants - 10 from each country - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Profile - representatives of NGO's that have been working with EVS program for a long time, EVS training cycle trainers, mentors, EVS organization accreditors, NA representatives.
Name games, energizers and ice-breakers to get to know each other.
Teambuilding simulation exercise - "rocket" building.
"EVS experience galaxy" - visual representation (drawing, collage making, etc.) of participants experience in EVS "world".
Group work in order to evaluate strong sides and points to improve of EVS in Baltic countries, developing vision of EVS in Baltics, developing suggestions for NA's and NGO's in order to improve quality and cooperation between Baltic countries in EVS field.
"Kahoot" quiz about statistics of EVS in Baltic countries in last 20 years.
Treasure hunt with an "Action bound" mobile application
Open badges for gathering and recognizing learning outcomes and also as a way for participants to give feedback to each other.
"WHY?" model - simulation exercise, where participants write a personal statement/belief about "Why EVS is useful for young people?", afterwards share their statements with others and each person has 5 "golden stars", which they can give to statements they like or agree with.
Group reflection and evaluation
1. Participants are able to evaluate their own role in the development of EVS programme, as well as its impact on their own personal and professional development.
2. Participants are able to identify strong points of the EVS programme and feel motivated to contribute of improving the development of EVS in Baltic states.
3. Participants have developed new partnerships between Baltic countries and they’ve come up with new ideas how to promote EVS programme.
4. Participants have learned to appreciate their own achievements as well as give recognition to their colleagues.
5. Participants developed common vision and suggestions for improving quality and cooperation of EVS in Baltic states - these suggestions have been gathered in a document and given to all 3 National Agencies (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia)
Full responsibility of preparing the agenda, methodology and flow of the program.
During the training I was responsible for getting to know each other, group building, preparing and facilitating the quiz and "EVS galaxy" activity, facilitating the simulation exercise of "WHY EVS?" and developing suggestions for improvement of quality of EVS in Baltic countries, and facilitating the final evaluation.
I also prepared the final report of the activity.