TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Vitalii Volodchenko
This project was based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in the different ways that each person can apply them in their daily life. Through this project, the aim was to bring these objectives closer to the youngest and to provide youth workers with tools to support them in this mission. In addition, youth workers acquired a series of tools and knowledge that they can apply both to their daily lives and to their work within their entities and with young people.
The training objectives were:
- To rise awareness and promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles in youth workers and young people of partner entities, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, and provide tools that serve so that youth workers can support young people in this change.
- Acquire tools and attitudes that support the fight against climate change, in an inclusive and transversal way.
- Provide ideas and tools to youth workers, to be implemented in their organizations and projects, in order to develop a more ecological and sustainable youth work, as well as acquire skills that allow them to train young people in leadership for climate change
- Develop capacities to transfer these learnings and practices for a significant impact at the local, regional, national and European level
21 participants from Montenegro, France, Portugal, The Netherlands, Ukraine, Spain and Macedonia.
The participants were active youth workers (professionals and volunteers) in their organisations.
Starting every day with meditation and yoga stretching; walking and talk as a tool for reflection on individual expectations, challenges and contributions for the group; Youthpass trivial to facilitate the understanding of the competencies through a questions game; a workshop on non-violent communication; team building: the tower; introduction of SDG in a world café style; small groups working together in different simple actions to fulfill each goal; reflection "the river" on different personal developments regarding sustainability; walk and talk sharing "the river" activity results; research in small groups about young leaders; theatre as a tool of expression and rising awareness; open space for participants to talk, share and disscus different topics; suppor to participants in releflection and learning process.
Participants got a wider understanding of Sustainable Development Goals, relating them with Human Rights and creating action plans to implement at the local level, within their organisations and with the youngsters they work with, and also in their international projects.
Full-time trainer, working in collaboration actively in every stage of the process: preparation of the activity programme taking into consideration the participant's individual and learning needs, implementation of the activities, evaluation of the activity in collaboration with the co-trainer and the project manager.