This is a reference for Jordan Herreros

B.O.M.B.: Building Organisation’s Media Brand

The training activity took place
in London, UK
organised by
06/11/2018 - 15/11/2018
Reference person

Panagiotis Mamouzakis

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

B.O.M.B. is a 2 phase project to learn how to build a social promotional video with low cost equipment as well as to learn and experiment with 34 more people, how to use video by creating a video for a London based non-profit initiative.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

34 youth workers and/or staff members of non-profit initiatives or social enterprises from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain and United Kingdom.

Training methods used & main activities

This training program is based on an Experiential Learning approach, participants learn by doing and by reflecting upon what they did. A fully dynamic program containing several methods and work-formats added one on each others as lego bricks building the content of the training:

-Short input & Practice: You will get short theoretical input and you will directly asked to implement them

-Assignments & Feedback: Expect to find yourself in many different multinational teams working together on a media assignment within set time frame.

-Video productions: During the second block of the training you will work with an international group in the production of a social promotional video of a non-profit initiative

-Reflection & Self Assessment: There are dedicated parts of the program, where you can stop and look at your own learning path. This will happen in a small group context, in a plenary but also individually.

Outcomes of the activity

As a result of the Training Course participants produced 6 videos for 6 local Social Enterprises in London.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Trainer and Learning Facilitator

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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