TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Natalia Chardymova
Aim:Improve youth participation in high diversity local contexts by developing already active youth workers competences trough an in depth experiential training.
- Experience typical difficulties of a multicultural work setting, developing participants positive approach towards diversity and promoting anti-discrimination attitudes.
- Explore youth participation common obstacles and challenges, while formulating corresponding – and eventually innovative – solutions in the frame of youth work and non-formal education.
- Increase participants understanding of the importance of youth participation in its different dimensions: decision making, youth policy lobbying, NGYO’s programmes & activities, transformational leadership and civil society in general, as a Human right.
- Introduce the “Have your say! - Manual on the Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life” as a reference tool to work in the field of Youth Participation.
- Develop participants understanding of conditions for youth participation and different co-operation forms between local authorities, youth organisations and young people.
- Exchange experiences, practices, opinions, educational tools and materials related to youth participation and diversity.
- Provide participants with standard theory, skills and tools to design, implement and evaluate meaningful and effective youth participation projects, including coaching good practices.
- Provide an opportunity for participants to design a youth participation project to implement as a follow-up of the training, while strengthening the network between the involved partner NGYO’s.
- Introduce a series of resources and funding opportunities that can be useful for bringing participants projects to reality, including Council of Europe and European Youth Foundation programmes.
3 trainers:
Natalia Chardymova (Russia)
Sergio Xavier (Portugal)
Stefan Manvski (Macedonia)
24 participants from COE member states
Non-formal, non-frontal and highly participative
Participants could assess personal work and identify common obstacles and challenges, based on that they created the priorities and developed common projects.