TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Elena Tasheva
Aim of the project
The main aim of the project is to equip young people and youth workers with the necessary tools and competencies needed in order to use their art skills through painting murals addressing solidarity, unity, inclusion, and equity as European values of crucial importance in the face of Covid-19 emergency.
TC Main goals:
to train youth workers to use arts as an educational tool in their youth work and to enable acquiring European values among young people, such as solidarity, unity, inclusion and equity. Will involve 4 youth workers per organisation active in the youth field and ready to transfer the newly gained competencies.
During the Training course they will present two non-formal methods involving using arts and creativity, addressing solidarity, unity, inclusion or equity. The non-formal methods will be icebreakers, team building games, and different creative workshops, used in their countries, communities or organisations, which will be presented and analyzed, and possibly modified and adapted by the youth workers.
Youth workers, total 24, from 6 countries, 4 / partner organisation: UK, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Spain, Portugal, Turkey
They will present two non-formal methods involving using arts and creativity, addressing solidarity, unity, inclusion or equity. The non-formal methods will be:
icebreakers, team building games, and different creative workshops.
These methods will be put into practice during the upcoming Youth exchange, and after video-tutorials will be created that will be part of the website created for this project.
All of the methods will be part of the digital toolkit that will be created by participants after the Training course
Create a digital Toolkit with non-formal methods involving arts and creativity following the guidelines: Type of Activity, Topic, Timing, Materials Needed, and Detailed Description of the activity, including extra tips and pictures from the Training course reflecting the implementation of the methods. This Toolkit will be part of the official project’s website and will be available for other youth workers to get educated in using these methods.
These methods will be also implemented during the Youth exchange which will additionally multiply the effect by creating video tutorials of the actual implementation of the method.
Trainer, responsible for program and outcomes.
This training course is part of KA2 partnership Art IS My Weapon