This is a reference for Nazarii Boiarskyi

All-Ukrainian Compass Course Training Youth Multipliers for Human Rights Education and Conflict Transformation

The training activity took place
in Lviv, Ukraine
organised by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe and the Ministry on Youth and Sport of Ukraine, the non-governmental organization “Centre of Civic Advocacy”.
3-7 November 2014
Reference person

Zara Lavchyan

(senior trainer, coordinator of the trainers team )
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

The course aims to develop participants’ competences in planning, implementing and evaluating human rights education activities with young people based on the approaches and methods laid out in Compass and on conflict transformation approaches, and to set the basis for a network of human rights educators from all regions of Ukraine.
Training course objectives:
- To consolidate and further develop the competences of participants to introduce and explain human right education in non-formal learning activities with young people.
- To familiarise participants with the educational approaches methodologies underlying Compass by enabling them to experience and critically reflect on tits methods.
- To support participants ability to address conflict and introduce conflicttransformation methods in their activities and with young people from the various regions of Ukraine and diverse political backgrounds.
- To empower participants to act as advocates for the Council Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education in formal and non-formal education settings and programmes.
- To associate the participants with the implementation of the No Hate Speech Movement campaign in Ukraine and to link it with other initiatives for human rights and peace building.
- To support networking and cooperation among youth leaders, youth organisations and other stakeholders of youth and human rights matters in all regions of Ukraine.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

According to the results of the contest, 17 people representing different geographical regions of the Russian Federation were selected, as well as the widest range of non-governmental organizations working with young people.
In the selection of participants, priority was given to activists, trainers, leaders, youth workers of non-state organizations working at the local level who have experience in implementing projects for young people and with its participation open to training and ready to implement the acquired knowledge and skills in their further actions in the protection of human rights and / or human rights education. The readiness and ability of the potential participant to be a multiplier in the field of human rights education was fundamental.

Training methods used & main activities

The program of the training course was designed in such a way as to give participants the opportunity to feel and reflect the various situations and concepts related to human rights to the maximum extent, within the framework of experimental learning approaches and non-formal education.
The training course assumed a large share of mutual and group training: the participants contributed to the overall educational process on an equal basis with the trainers, and the team tried to give the event a theoretical framework and to promote the creation of its common platform. Interactive exercises and methods were mainly taken from the manual on human rights education with youth, developed by the Council of Europe, entitled "Compass".

Outcomes of the activity

- Thirty youth leaders, trainers and education professionals will be able to act as multipliers for human rights education and support their organisations to develop human rights based approaches to youth work and conflict transformation.
- The core group of a network of trainers, multipliers and advocates for conflict transformation and peace building will be created.
- At least 20 follow-up projects will be set by the participants with an outreach of at least 400 young people across Ukraine.
- Youth organisations in Ukraine will increase their practical knowledge about the Council of Europe and its youth policy instruments, including the European Youth Foundation and the programme of activities of the European Youth Centre and the No Hate Speech Movement.
- The Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine and the Council of Europe will be better knowledgeable about the needs and potential for future cooperation in the youth policy area.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

selection of participants, preparation of a training program, conducting sessions on human rights and hate speech, facilitation of groups, evaluation of training, preparation of a report.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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