TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Serhan Karatas
The training course aimed at creating common platform for youth workers and youth leaders to develop their competences needed to organise and run European youth projects in human rights education.
Objectives were;
• To discuss the current situation of human rights in different countries and explore the possibilities to address the discrimination, influencing the young people.
• To get competences in running human rights education youth projects.
• To plan concrete projects with young people within YOUTH Programme.
• To get practical training in project management.
• To share experience and youth work practices.
• To recognise possible solutions to address discrimination and xenophobia.
• To reflect on the notion of the human rights and be able to multiply this knowledge.
• To discuss the quality criteria for youth projects addressing the issue of Human Rights.
• To introduce and familiarise the participants with COMPASS- a manual on human rights education with young people- and discuss how to adapt it to participants’ realities.
• To discuss policy recommendations for ensuring social inclusion of young people with disadvantaged backgrounds.
• To develop intercultural competences of the participants.
• To initiate partnership between the organisations by creating the common space for joint work.
Target Group was 18 young workers and young people that are actively working in youth and student organisations from YOUTH programme countries (Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Italy).
Trainers team was composed of 3 experienced trainers on youth work, based in Turkey, Germany and Poland respectively.
Training methods used were intercultural participatory non-formal learning methods.
Human rights education tools that are developed by Council of Europe (CoE) and Human Rights Education Associates (HREA) were the main tool resources. Different variations of activities from T-Kit 3 "Project Management" (edt.P.Merry; CoE-EU, 2001), T-Kit 4 "Intercultural Learning" (edt.M.Taylor; CoE-EU, 2000), Education Pack (edt.R.Gomes; CoE, 2004), COMPASS (CoE, 2001) and Popular Education for Human Rights: 24 Participatory Exercises for Facilitators and Teachers (R.P.Claude; HREA, 2000) were successfully implemented.
Participants showed a great enthusiasm to follow up the training course and multiply the knowledge gained.
After the training course, 2 youth exchanges, 1 seminar and 2 training courses that was prepared during the training course were applied for funding. The applications of 2 youth exchanges and 2 training were successful and they were implemented successfully.
The training course was awarded along with another training course as the best training course youth project that was implemented in Turkey in 2006 by "Good Practices in Youth Work" Conference organised by Bilgi University in December 2006.
The trainers team divided the tasks and responsibilities equally within the team.
My tasks and responsibilities were;
• Defining objectives and constructing the and developing the methods of the training course.
• Main Responsible for the modules on human rights education and delivering most of those exercises.
• Implementing and facilitating the training tools.
• Preparing and editing the final report of the training course.
• Managing the project.