TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Barbara Foldi
The aim was to put environment and sustanibility in a shape where people can understand and connect to their daily life. These concepts such as sustanibility and enviromental changes are part of our life and get more and more attention but people many times do not know what to do with it. We used the tools of the media for the dissemination of this project and together we discovered how to make best practice videos, how to build up marketing and dissemination strategies in order to reach more people with our activities.
We mixed the method of creative recycling with media to spread the technique and method itself to other youth NGOs. During the training we created videos and photo sessions which would allow also others to build such techniques in their work or in their everyday life.
We had a Polish and an Italian expert on the topic of photo and media. Also we had two Hungarian trainers specialzed in cretive recycling.
The group was built up from 8 different countries (Portugal, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Ireland, Romania and Hungary) and all participants were working with various target groups and methods.
We have used only non-formal educational methods during the training course. One of the most used was experimental learning - learning by doing. All the media and creative recycling sessions were built up ina was that participants first tried the method and after we had a de-briefing or sharing session.
Participants were created 6 videos over days - all videos are connected to the tpic of environment and calling attention for enviromental changes.
Moreover participants by themselves gave 5 workshops in the local school to kids (age between 10-14). They have organized a screening session in the local cinema and they created and documented a flashmob in the ,ain square of the city.
My responsabilities as a head trainer were:
-create the content and create the frames
-delegate task the team and the participants
-overview on the logistics
- setting and cehinking the learning goals of the participants