This is a reference for Annan Mohamed

Activ8 in Euro-Med

The training activity took place
in Ankara, Turkey
organised by MCD
February 27 to March 5, 2012

Aims & objectives

Training aims to show the importance sports in the community and how it make a difference in the society.

The training builds the capacities and competence of youth workers, coming from different European and Mediterranean countries.

The main focus is developing peer educator’s skills in an EuroMed social context.

working on building different competences that will increase the quality of the work of youth workers in their fields through sports.

During the learning process of the TC, different abilities such as volunteerism, tolerance, active aging are tackled

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

4 young people from each 6 countries – Spain, England, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey; a total of 24 paricipants

Training methods used & main activities

- Game based workshop to create group dynamic
- Illustration of the difference between (Formal / Non-formal / Informal Education) through group discussion
- practical performance of +ve cheering
- Heros & Heroines (adapted from Compass) workshop.

Outcomes of the activity

in this group it shows all the publications that presented this Training course
- this is the 1st training from a series of trainings that developed after that under the title of the 8series

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

- Team building & group dynamic
- Leadership & Team work
- Society and sports (+ve cheering)

I worked on this training for 7 days days as a full time trainer.

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