TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Francesco Cavicchioli
The training activity aimed to train young volunteers and collaborators from the nine partner associations, coming from different countries, in organizing and facilitating activities for youth engagement, socialization, and intercultural communication. The central goal was to enhance the inclusion of new youth in short-term Erasmus+ mobility activities, such as international exchanges.
The training conducted in Italy addressed the needs of the target group, namely young individuals aged between 16 and 25. It focused on understanding the specific needs of these young people residing in the suburbs of large cities or capitals of the nine nations involved in the project. The training aimed to prepare participants to organize and facilitate local activities that met these needs, thereby promoting the inclusion and active participation of young people.
The training activity adapted to the goals of the organizations involved in the project through various steps:
Training of young volunteers in 9 suburbs of partner cities, aligning the training with local needs and the specificities of the involved organizations.
Collaboration and exchange of practices among the 9 associations, focusing on understanding the needs of young people in their respective communities and proposing local activities in collaboration with youth workers.
Implementation of local activities and workshops facilitated by youth workers trained in the project, promoting the dissemination of the Erasmus+ program and raising awareness among young people at both international and local levels.
Sensitization of youth workers internationally on organizing activities that respond to the needs of young people and promoting cooperation through meetings coordinated by project participants.
Dissemination of European culture and international participation through mobility experiences.
The training activity was designed to specifically address the needs of young people and align with the goals of the project's partner organizations.
The target group of the activity consisted of 27 youth workers who:
Participated in Erasmus+ programs organized by the project's partner associations or associations collaborating with the project's partner organizations.
They came from disadvantaged situations and were supported through participation in activities organized locally or internationally by the partner organization. Having personally understood their need for support through international activities, they felt a mission to support their peers in doing the same.
Were involved in collaborating with the project's partner associations in organizing local and international activities to engage a greater number of young people. All the young participants had basic or moderate experience in organizing and facilitating youth activities.
The project involved a balanced group of operators from a national and experiential perspective. The countries and nationalities involved in the activity include representatives from in Italy, Albania, Georgia, Estonia, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey (9 in total).
The activities carried out during this training course included non-formal educational methods. A variety of methods were employed to ensure active engagement and meaningful learning during the 7-day training.
Types of methods used in the training:
Icebreakers and energizers to break the ice and stimulate group energy, along with brief exercises to create a positive atmosphere.
Individual and group reflections through dedicated moments for reflection to process feelings and experiences.
Activities to explore sensations through targeted exercises that encourage participants to reflect on their emotions and the learning derived from the activities.
Outdoor activities to inspire contact with nature and promote sustainability in an outdoor environment.
Brainstorming and informal Coffee-Talk focused on specific topics.
Guided open space, providing participants with an open space to develop ideas and initiatives.
Storytelling and presentation of personal and cultural themes through the narration of stories.
Roleplay and experiential learning through the simulation of specific situations to develop skills such as problem-solving and conflict management.
The training activity achieved success through a series of evaluations and indicators. Firstly, participants reflected daily on their learning during the training using a dedicated diary for key competencies outlined in Youthpass. This individual process was then extended to intermediate and final group assessments, covering crucial aspects such as the quality of the activity, overall impact, and logistical effectiveness.
Another significant point of evaluation was the effectiveness and productivity of the partnership. At the project's conclusion, representatives from partner organizations completed a partnership evaluation form. This assessment guided an in-depth discussion among the partners, allowing them to analyze goal attainment, overall project effectiveness, and discuss cooperative solutions for challenges encountered, thus providing valuable insights for future joint projects.
Evaluation also extended to qualitative indicators, namely tangible products created during the project. The presence and quality of these products, including an inspirational video, the implementation of local activities, and the dissemination strategy, served as key indicators to measure the success of the training activity.
Additional assessments involved the number of activities conducted and the involvement of young people in follow-up and dissemination phases. Specifically, 90 young people from 9 national groups participated in follow-up activities, and an additional 45 young people from culturally marginalized contexts were involved in local activities.
Finally, the creation of a statistical chart offered a visual synthesis of the evaluation indicators. This provided a clear overview and visually highlighted the results achieved, emphasizing the effectiveness and overall success of the training activity.
In the context of this project, my presence played a key role in guiding and facilitating the training activities. My responsibilities were diverse, and I encouraged participants to reflect on their learning and actively engage in the project's daily activities. Additionally, I contributed to the design, planning, and implementation of the training activities, ensuring they aligned with the project's overall objectives.
During the dedicated learning days, I trained the group on the planning, preparation, implementation, and evaluation of activities managed through non-formal education methods. Furthermore, I facilitated the group in handling reflections, problem-solving, and conflict management.
Another crucial aspect of my role was guiding participants in identifying and recognizing their facilitation style, allowing them to experiment with different approaches in group management. On the last day of the project, I collaborated with participants in planning follow-up activities and structuring long-term collaborations.
Using a wide range of pedagogical methods such as icebreakers, reflections, outdoor activities, brainstorming, storytelling, roleplay, and online facilitation, I created a dynamic and engaging learning environment.