Annina Kurki


A Creative, innovative, developer who works purposefully toward common goals. Diplomatic team player, who knows how to operate in an international environment.

Strong background in youth field and European Youth Program´s. Equipped with large toolbox, situational awareness, flexibility, group leading skills and Scandinavian frankness.

Passion for theater, arts, creating communities and racket sports.

Annina Kurki has 15 references for past work as a trainer.

Annina Kurki

Contact details

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Trainer connections

Annina Kurki has no connections so far.

Current occupation

Self employed freelancer and co-owner of family business.

Work experience

27.9.21 – Freelancer - I Got This:
Facilitating events and training's national and international. Producing social media services.

18.3.2018 – 4.9.2022 Senior Programme Adviser, The Finnish National Agency for Education: Erasmus+ and European Solidarity crops.

1.1.2016 – 17.3.2018 Planning officer, Lahti City Youth Services. Planning Municipality services for young people.

1.6.2010–31.12.2015 Individual trainer, Lahti City Youth Services. Working with unemployed young people with difficult life situation. Supporting and guiding with future plans.

1.1.2014 – Freelance trainer: International trainings and study visits for FI NA. Special expertise - Youth work, NEET, EU Programmes

2003–2010 Lahti City Youth Services
Different tasks and position including project working with gender-sensitive issues.

2002–2003 Secretary for international affairs, Ministry of Education, Youth Unit.

Educational pathway

1.8.2013–30.11.2015 Master´s Programme in Youth Work and Youth Research, University of Tampere, Master of Social Sciences

1999–2002 Studies for Humanities and Education, Mikkeli Polytechnic

19.-24.5.2015 COMETS ICC - Training for Trainers on Intercultural Competence

My educational background shows my competence in field of youth work. Besides of that, I have been involved in youth/sport NGO´s and informal theater groups in my free time, which I consider as important non-formal educational environment.

Foundation of me - as a trainer is based on as much of my formal educational background, working experience and my involvements in free time activities.

Fields of training expertise

  • (beginner) Animation
  • (intermediate) Bullying & Harassment
  • (beginner) Campaigning & Awareness Raising
  • (intermediate) Change Management
  • (intermediate) Citizenship Education
  • (advanced) Coaching & Mentoring
  • (advanced) Communication Skills
  • (beginner) Conflict Management & Mediation
  • (advanced) Creativity & Art
  • (beginner) Crisis Management
  • (intermediate) Diversity & Anti-Racism
  • (advanced) Drama & Theatre
  • (intermediate) Education through Sports
  • (beginner) Environment & Ecology
  • (intermediate) Entrepreneurship (Social)
  • (intermediate) Equal Opportunities
  • (advanced) Evaluation & Assessment
  • (advanced) Event Management
  • (expert) Financial Management
  • (advanced) Fundraising
  • (intermediate) Gender Awareness & Mainstreaming
  • (beginner) Global Education
  • (advanced) Group Dynamics & Motivation
  • (intermediate) Health & Prevention
  • (intermediate) Human Rights
  • (advanced) Intercultural Learning
  • (expert) International Youth Work
  • (advanced) Labour Rights & Employment
  • (intermediate) Leadership Development
  • (beginner) New Information Technologies
  • (advanced) Open Space Technology
  • (advanced) Organizational Management
  • (beginner) Outdoor & Experiential Training
  • (beginner) Peace Education
  • (intermediate) People Management & Cooperation
  • (intermediate) Personal Development & Empowerment
  • (expert) Project Management
  • (intermediate) Public Relations & Marketing
  • (intermediate) Public Speaking
  • (expert) Recognition of NFLearning
  • (expert) Social Inclusion & Exclusion
  • (intermediate) Social Media
  • (beginner) Storytelling & Humour
  • (expert) Time Management
  • (intermediate) Training of Trainers
  • (intermediate) Valorisation of Projects (DEOR)
  • (expert) Volunteer Programmes
  • (expert) Youth Exchanges
  • (intermediate) Youth Information Work
  • (expert) Youth Participation & Initiatives
  • (expert) Youth Policy
  • (beginner) Youth Violence & Criminality
  • (expert) Youth Worker Training

Knowledge about institutions and programmes

  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA1) Youth Exchanges
  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA1) Training & Networking
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA2) Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA2) Strategic Partnerships
  • (intermediate) Erasmus+ (KA2) Capacity Building (other countries in the World)
  • (intermediate) Erasmus+ (KA3) Youth Policy Meetings
  • (expert) European Solidarity Corps Volunteering
  • (beginner) Erasmus+ (lifelong learning, non-youth)
  • (beginner) European Youth Centres (CoE)
  • (beginner) European Youth Foundation (CoE)
  • (beginner) Solidarity Fund for Youth Mobility (CoE)
  • (beginner) European Institutions
  • (beginner) Youth Partnership CoE-COM
  • (intermediate) International Youth Structures

Working with specific target groups

  • (intermediate) Children
  • (intermediate) Families
  • (intermediate) Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender work
  • (expert) Intercultural Teams
  • (expert) Marginalized & Excluded Youth
  • (intermediate) Minorities
  • (beginner) Religious Youth Groups
  • (advanced) Women's Issues & Groups
  • (beginner) Young People in/from Conflict Areas
  • (beginner) Young People with a Mental Disability

Experience with specific geographical regions

  • (expert) European Cooperation
  • (expert) North-North Cooperation
  • (beginner) North-South Co-operation
  • (beginner) South East Europe

Language Skills

  • (fluent) English
  • (fluent) Finnish
  • (beginner) German
  • (beginner) Swedish

Trainer references

This profile was last modified on 2024-02-12

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