Transforming Conflicts into Learning

The training course is designed to support youth workers in developing skills and a mindset to handle conflicts constructively, creating flow and learning.

Conflicts allow evolution, change and growth. Most of the times they are not easy to experience, nevertheless they give us a chance to express ourselves and receive the other, in the uniqueness of both.
Having a method to approach conflicts step by step allows to use them as an opportunity to experience connection and create learning.
The training course is designed to support youth workers in developing cross-disciplinary skills and immediately applicable procedures to handle conflicts constructively, creating flow and learning.

Involve youth workers by allowing them to acquire conflict handling skills and exchange best practices to this regard
Equip them with a flexible method to address conflicts constructively
Provide them a context to actively practice skills, tools and methods
Foster the application of the gained knowledge and skills in participants’ context

The organizations/institutions interested in this project are asked to submit their interest by filling the following form:

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Project overview

Transforming Conflicts into Learning is a project by
Olde Vechte Foundation
taking place
from 2018-05-15 till 2019-05-15
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Conflict management
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Minorities
  • Non-formal learning
  • Peace and conflict
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles
If you are an organisation form an EU country, active in your local community and interested in the project, this would be your role: Appoint a contact person that will be in charge of the smooth and prompt communication between you as sending organisation and us as receiving. Provide us with the needed information for the Erasmus+ application through a questionnaire Finding and selecting the fitting candidates for the project, using the profile, infoletter and registration form created by us. Disseminate and evaluate the results of the project within the network of your organisation. Support the visibility of the project by promoting these results through your social media accounts, websites and whatever other mean you have available. Get involved in the follow up period by supporting the participants in implementing follow up activities.

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