The Great Resignation

The Great Resignation project aims to engage and empower youngsters, who are currently inactive, by promoting youth opportunities through a series of podcasts.

The project aims to involve 20 youth workers from 6 countries of EU and Western Balkans (Romania, Italy, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia) who are interested to:
1. Empower 150 youngsters (18-30 yo) from 6 countries who face difficulties in finding opportunities and becoming active members of society by informing them about lifelong learning opportunities through a series of 6 podcasts during the dissemination stage;

2. Improve the competencies of 20 youth workers from 6 countries, in 9 mobility days, to reach out and engage with youngsters in their communities by sharing efficient tools and necessary competences of using digital tools and social media platforms in order to provide information and counselling services in their daily work with local youth;

3. Develop an efficient network of 3EU and 3 non-EU NGOs by creating a common sharing space meant to exchange good practices, improve their services and internationality for 1year.

In order to join our project, please send us the updated PIF and let us know:
1. How popular are Podcasts in your country?
2. Specifically, what do you want to achieve by participating in the project? At NGO, participants and local community levels.
3. Who would be the participants involved?
4. How can you disseminate the results? What kind of media/social media does your organisation use?

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Project overview

The Great Resignation is a project by
COSI (Civic Orientation and Social Integration)
taking place
from 2023-06-24 till 2023-07-02
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Social media
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Youth policy

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