Social Entrepreneurship.

Social Entrepreneurship

The society in this rough times is in urgent need of ‘’individuals who are able to take financial resources and convert them into changing the world in the most positive ways”.
The scope of ‘SEA’ training is to provide youth workers with an insight on social entrepreneurship, which could possibly operate as the main catalyst in inspiring young people to apply social entrepreneurship.
The main objectives of the project are set below:
-To inspire the next generation of social entrepreneurs.
-To identify the challenges of our time in order specific solutions and models for sustainable social organizations to be developed.
- To empower job seekers to become self-employed.

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Project overview

Social Entrepreneurship. is a project by
C.I.P. Citizens in Power
taking place
from 2015-12-10 till 2015-12-17
This project relates to:
Training and Networking

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