Positive ways to promote underprivileged youth employability

Exchange experiences & increase awareness between youth workers in search for positive ways to promote skills enhancement & employability in disadvantaged youth

The project "Positive ways to promote underprivileged youth employability" offers the opportunity to exchange experiences and to increase awareness, activity and understanding between youth workers from different backgrounds in search for positive ways to promote skills enhancement and employability advancement in particular in disadvantaged youth groups. The project "Positive ways to promote underprivileged youth employability" is planned as a six-day exchange of youth workers from 3 countries and Greece. The exchange will take place in March of 2019 in Greece, 24 participants will participate directly in the project, 6 from each partner country without age limit. During the project, participants will share knowledge and practices about empowerment for employment and in seeking to develop a holistic approach which connects enterprise and employability through personal and career development. The Mobility will be implemented by non – formal educational methods, such as workshops, discussions - debates, educational games, study visits, etc. The "Positive ways to promote underprivileged youth employability» project agenda will be interesting and will include many different methods. Starting with integration meetings with group building activities and games, fun, traveling and searching for best practices in partner countries in addition to exploring cultural diversity, participants will gain new skills in promoting youth employability and competence workshops. Total Project Duration: 10 months

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Project overview

Positive ways to promote underprivileged youth employability is a project by
Social Innovation and Cohesion Institute
taking place
from 2018-10-01 till 2019-06-01
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Integration
  • Unemployment/employability

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