No more Violence

"No more violence" want to encourage active participation of young people to contrast of violence against Immigrant Women

Violence against women is not a problem that concerns only the female gender. Women are victims of different forms of violence everyday of their life, especially with their partners (sexual harassment, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, stalking, physical and psychological violence and sexual violence, feticide) and in several cases they become victims of trafficking. It represents the most disturbing aspect of the violence that we must consider, because the violence against women is a crime, but continues to be considered by individuals, institutions and Member States as a problem of intimate sphere of people and not an emergency of public policy.
The phenomenon of trafficking include that of gender violence, as women migrants are the main victims of this system. The process of globalization on the one hand gave new opportunities to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged populations but on the other has strengthened the organizations that are in charge of the traffic system in human beings. Generally women migrants who risk to become victims of human trafficking live a greater condition of vulnerability, since they come from the poorest areas of the world, where often they live a political instability, ethnic conflicts, religious wars and poverty.
Over the years it has spread the sex business that exploits the phenomenon, in most cases, victims of trafficking and in particular the countries of Western Europe have experienced various forms of exploitation (sexual, labor, organ trafficking). In Italy, since the 80s, sex work and prostitution have become more visible through the first sex shop, the masked prostitution within local (discos, massage, saunas, beauty salons, etc. ), the expansion of commercial television and other media tools that are sexually programs. Thus, prostitution is a phenomenon that crosses the world, which has undergone rapid and profound changes over the years in terms of supply and demand, thus assuming the appearance of a real ethnic landscape, determined by the difference of the victims' nationality.
The "prostitution" and the phenomenon of human trafficking should be analyzed separately, since they involve different legal and conceptual approaches, as well as unequal power relations between "protector" and a prostitute, including "victim and perpetrator", which they are based the relation between them on violence, the continuous control and submission. The complexity of the phenomena and the lack of conceptual and operational tools to identify and distinguish the victims of violence and trafficking denote the need for specific training for youth workers who work in this field.
We analysed the global situation, in the European countries, in Italy and in particular in Calabria, where there is a high percentage of the phenomenon of street prostitution aims to realize a training course that will provide the tools to analyse the laws and statistical data registered in the partner countries, in order to improve critical thinking, raise awareness among the younger generation on issues of gender-based violence, trafficking of migrant women and the protection of women's rights.
The overall objective of "No More Violence" is to encourage the active participation of young Europeans to contrast the violence against women migrants.
The project aims to provide the tools for youth workers to:
● stimulate the critical thinking of young European citizens on the issue of violence;
● improve the knowledge on gender violence and the phenomenon of trafficking;
● increase the awareness of young people about violence against women;
● promote the protection of women's rights;
● strengthen active citizenship of young Europeans urging them to take their role as actors of social change;
● stimulate the empowerment of young people.

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Project overview

No more Violence is a project by
taking place
from 2016-01-01 till 2017-05-31
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • European citizenship
  • Gender equality
  • Human rights
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Cultural differences
Partner Profile: Considering to the importance of main topic of this project, we are looking for Partners involved on relevant experience on social issue of gender-based on violence and the promotion of women rights, in particular with focus on immigrant and refugees women. Participants profile: Through the training course is addressed to youth workers (educators, psychologists, lawyers, social workers, cultural mediators, etc.) involved in organizations or institutions working and carry out their professional activities by giving support to young, disadvantaged people, migrants, women victims of violence and other people and groups at risk of social exclusion. The respect for gender equality will be ensured through an initial selection of participants: 50% women and 50% men. Working language: English Selection Process: If you are interested to be partner of this project, please send the application form attached to within the 28/09/2016. Suitable candidates will be informed within the 30/09/2016; afterwards they will be involved in the drafting of the project according to their competences, skills and relevant experiences.

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