My Job, My Skills, My Future

“My Job, My Skills, My Future” is the project which purpose is to gain and develop skills that will help them in their adult lives and to find their first jobs.

We are a group of International Baccalaureate students who are trying to find their interests and jobs that would satisfy them in the future.

Activities that will take place during the project will be divided into thematic blocks like: journalism, IT, gastronomy, politics, sports and 'People in Internet'- communication via social media. There are also going to be workshops organized by the participants.

We've organized this project, because as young people who will soon need to choose their own paths, we see how hard it is to make some decisions that will sooner or later affect our future.

The project is directed to participants between 15-19 years old from three different countries. Every group should have 12 participants + 2 adult leaders. The tasks waiting for the participants are very varied- there is something for everybody.

The project will take place in Wroclaw- Poland between 2-11.07.2018.

If you are interested in please send us PI and completed and signed mandate (in attachement) as soon as it is possible.

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Project overview

My Job, My Skills, My Future is a project by
Lower Silesian Voluntary Centre
taking place
from 2018-07-02 till 2018-07-11
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges

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