The Partner-Finding Tool
Project with 2 activities: Seminar with partnership building elements and Training course on the topics of diversity, social inclusion and youth participation.
Academic Society "Novi Beograd" is looking for partners for the project “United in diversity – United for inclusive Europe” that is planning to submit to EACEA on 2nd of February Balkan window deadline.
The project “United in diversity – United for inclusive Europe” will explore the needs, challenges and obstacles of youth organisations and youth workers from around Europe to work and mange diversity in all its forms, to foster social inclusion of vulnerable groups and encourage youth participation. In the same time the project will provide space for proposing sustainable youth work solutions and will equip participants with competences, practices and tools to work with young people, especially those with fewer opportunities on the topics addressed by the project. During the project, relevant EU frameworks, strategies, and support opportunities concerning work with diversity, social inclusion and youth participation will be introduced and discussed.
Participants will also have the opportunity to reflect upon and self-asses their role as non-formal educators and to create non-formal learning tools for working on social inclusion and youth participation that can be used by them, their organisations or others working with youth. The project will raise the capacities of involved organsiations and also serve as space of European youth organisations to meet, present their work and establish sustainable partnerships for the future.
The project is composed of 2 main activities: a Seminar with partnership building elements and a Training course that will be organized in Belgrade, Serbia in late autumn or winter 2016. There will be local follow-up activities after each of the proposed activities.
Activity 1. Seminar with partnership building elements for youth work practitioners working with diversity, inclusion and youth participation
• In between there is local follow-up activities organized and led by participants and partners to research the situation in their countries furthermore as well as research the local youth needs, obstacles and challenges.
Activity 2. Training course: Training of educators working with diversity, inclusion and youth participation
• After second activity there is realization of the strategic plans prepared during the TC in form of local follow-up activities for testing the Toolbox created by participants in local communities and organisations.
The project methodology will be based on non-formal education, experiential and intercultural learning with strong encouragement of sharing personal experiences, knowledge and best practices.
• EU Programme countries: 28 EU member states + Macedonia + Turkey
• Partner Western Balkan countries: Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Each partner organisation should send 2 or 3 participants. At least one of the participants should be experienced youth leader or youth worker while the other/s should be active young person/s involved in organisation’s work.
• Youth workers, youth leaders, project managers, volunteers, active young people involved in the work of partner organisations, NGO/public sector staff working with youth;
• Over 18 years old and аble to work and communicate in English;
• Ready and motivated to take active part in all phases of the project;
• Ready and able to attend the full duration of the project activities and take part in the local follow-up researches and activities that will be done after the Training course.
• Select and send a motivated group of participants for both activities as well as appoint contact person who will be responsible for smooth communication with hosting organisation;
• Take active participation in all phases of the project from the preparation and implementation of the activities to the dissemination, evaluation and follow-up phases of the project;
• Contribute and support hosting organisation as much as possible for ensuring visibility of the project and disseminating the project idea, results and activities on your websites, blogs, mailing lists and social media networks before, during and after the project completion;
• Be ready to organize with selected participants follow-up activities or events in form of local workshops, activities, presentations of project results to your members, conducting surveys etc. with your members, volunteers or young people from your communities that will be on similar topics as the project.
The applicant organisation will fully cover the accommodation, meals and program materials for the participants. Travel costs will be covered up to the 100% if they do not exceed the amounts established by the Erasmus+ Programme . There will be NO participation fee!
If you want to be our partner on the project and agree with your role and responsibilities as partner, then please send us fully filled Partner Identification Form attached to this call and send it by email to with subject line “United for inclusive Europe partnership”, not later than 28th of January 2016. Copy-pasted PIFs that are different than the one provided by us will not be taken into consideration!
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