The aim of the project is to learn about and practice skills and means of civil participation and eco-lobby through a live experiment of a micro-campaign.

ECO-LOBBY youth democracy project will host 24 young people from 6 countries to develop their civic participation and lobbying skills during a 10-day-long interactive non-formal learning workshop in August 2013 organized by BOCS Foundation. The aim of the project is that young people learn about and practice skills and means of civil participation through a live experiment of a micro-campaign for a relevant cause. The themes of the campaign are the following: the state of EU Youth in the global context, recognizing turning points in a globally interconnected world, how is youth unemployment connected with global environmental challenges and poverty? The workshop will consist of five main parts: forming our common message, how to communicate the message, preparation for the micro-campaign, the live campaign and evaluation. Program will include: discussion and lectures on the theme; workshops on communication for decision makers, digital and social media, code of conduct, cocktail party simulation; 3 days of preparing the micro-campaign, meeting the governor, and the live campaign in public places. The project program will also be connected with the "Crowning Days" of Székesfehérvár city and around Hungary's most important holiday, August 20. The project builds on BOCS Foundation's 25 years experience in eco-lobby, e.g. the successful campaign to have the Future Generations Ombudsman position in the Hungarian Pariament.

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Project overview

ECO LOBBY is a project by
BOCS Foundation
taking place
from 2013-08-10 till 2013-08-17
This project relates to:
Action 3.1 (Cooperation with the Neighbouring Partner Countries)
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship

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