‘Back to the Origins’ for painters - teenagers

The art project will take place in France.The main goal is to improve the style of the artists, as the deterioration of the style is evident nowadays.

The art project ‘Back to the origins’ will take place in France, as France is the place where modernism appeared in end of the 19th century. At that time, the art experienced the period of great changes that affected its further development. Generally, the art experienced the deep recession before the arrival of the impressionists, because classicism (the style of works of the artists of that time) lacked feelings, sophisticated technique, and, more important, sincerity and confidence. The works had no content and did not have emotional influence. But everything had changed when art came in the deadend. As a result, a brand new style has emerged. It did not only altered the worldviews of the artists, but the people in general. Impressionists (derived from the French word ‘Impression’- impression) have brought a new sense into the creative process that influenced their result. It was a time of changes in coloration, perception and feelings; the tradition of frequent attendance of plein-airs, that is, the tradition of the study of the nature outdoors when the impressions received from nature were expressed immediately, revived. It is exactly plein-air and not any other method that allows us to examine nature in all its details and nuances; moreover, the works of art created in plein-air had become more persuasing and full of realistic feelingscompared to the works that were created in workshops indoors, while being guided by the questionable theory not nature.
The present project emphasizes the necessity to develop the young artists’ skills of seeing and studying the environment around them, as nature is the greatest and endless source of inspiration!
The problem of the young artists is that they do not want to explore the world; instead, they prefer to rely more and more on their imagination and fantasy. As a result, the ability to perceive the world vanishes, while not being used. Nature is endless, but fantasy that denies real nature is false. The knowledge of the world around and the ability to explore is seen through the sophisticated style of an artist, in his/her outstanding works of art. The style, which can be learned from artists, plays a significant role in the daily life, for instance, as the ability to distinguish between the product of a high quality and the one of a poor.
The project ‘Back to the Origins’ will show the direction for the professional development of the works outdoors that will serve as a basis for the further development of the professional style in art in future. Deep knowledge of how the world around us is organised will give a strong impulse for the creative process. The main goal of this project is to improve the style of the artists, as the deterioration of the style is evident nowadays. While solving an issue of the creative development, the project ensures progress in the improvement of the artistic style that is vitally important in the human life!
Regarding participants, there should be six participans (16-20 years) and one youth leader (18+).
There should be at least six photos in portfolio, rerepresening works madein various techniques.

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Project overview

‘Back to the Origins’ for painters - teenagers is a project by
Young Folks LV
taking place
from 2016-08-10 till 2016-08-16
and is focusing on:
  • Art

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