Connecting Cultures/Sariyer-Doga

We are an EU Project team from Sariyer/Doga Schools in Istanbul and we take a part in Youth In Action Programme Projects concerning the ages 13 and 14. We consider individual development of the students and create and plan projects on this logic.

Doga Schools, founded in 2002, has got 12 campuses in Istanbul, 15 campuses in Batman, Diyarbakir, Ankara, Mersin, Sakarya, Bursa, Malatya, Antalya, Corlu, Denizli, Manisa, Kocaeli, Aydın and Sanliurfa comprising 43 schools from pre-primary schools to Upper Secondary level, 15000 students, 2000 staff members.

The Mission and Aim of Doga Schools Elimination of rote learning, To educate a student with the awareness of; culture, sport, science, using environment, experimental learning, using knowledge, self confidence

The aim of our institution is to provide an individual development for students in a way that is multi-directional, participative and sensitive. These aims are realized to have an international vision, to be open to universal values and to be tied to local values through not only mentally but also physically, socially and emotionally. The aim of Doga (“nature” in Turkish) schools is to provide an individual development for pupil in a way that is multi-directional, participative, creative, sensitive and nature friendly.

The Features of Doga Schools
1. Doga schools gives also great importance to integrate ICT. All classes are equipped with smartboards. “DOGA online” is a virtual library enabling teachers and pupils to follow curriculum subjects online. “E-HOMEWORK” offers pupils facilities to do their homework interactively/online, it is used also for preparing projects, and exams. Parents and teachers can check pupils acitivities.“E-Doga” enables parents to reach information like the time schedule of their children, teachers, schedules/results of exams etc. “E-Doga” is used to form an educational triangle pupils – teachers – parents.

2. Natural Learning Concept (NLC)

•enables educational systems more dynamic & innovative structure.
•Students can learn out of the traditional classrooms & can experience environment
•adopt continuous development as a principle on environmental issues.
•The aim is to make students: environmental voluntarist

3. Child University

•Doga Schools & Istanbul University established “The Children’s University” in April 2009 through cooperation young students’ initiative to encourage in Turkey to study and work in science.
•The aim is to enable gifted students between the ages of 10 and 17 to have access to extracurricular scientific information by leading scientists in different fields through taking part in activities including hundreds of summer schools, workshops, scientific excursions and scientific modules.

EU Projects of Doga Schools

In Doga Schools’ policy all the European Projects are of vital importance.Through these projects we believe that we will shape the next generation coherent with the needs of the new era; communicative, sensible and responsible. Considering this, we’ve been implementing several Comenius School Partnership projects and we have already been funded with a transversal program KA3 ICT projects named Nano- Tech Science Education

EU Funded Comenius School Partnership Projects

-Active Citizenship Europe: Bostancı Doga High School
-Turning the Blue Planet Green: Atakent Doga High School
-It’s What You Do Next That Counts- A Path To Eco-Friendly Behaviour – Ecology: Acarkent Doga High School
- Math Is Beauty: Sariyer Doga High School
-Natural Learning Concept: Kartal Doğa Primary School
-My School Garden: Yakacik Doğa Primary School
-Healthy Lifestyles and Sports: Sariyer Doga Primary School
-Reflection of Multicultural Character Development: Sarıyer Doğa Pre-Primary School
-P.I.C.A.S.S.O (Preparing Involved Citizen, Adapt, Sane and Open – minded): Atasehir Doga Pre-Primary School

Past projects

“TAC: They Are Children”

Music,Drama,Art activities will be carried out for the "Young Offenders". We need participants between 13-14 who can perform their traditional dance,music,art.

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Connecting Cultures/Sariyer-Doga is

a Informal Group of Young People
based in Turkey (Istanbul)
  • Turkey Istanbul
focused on
  • Sports
and interested in:
  • Youth Exchanges
  • Training and Networking
  • Transnational Youth Initiatives
Connecting Cultures/Sariyer-Doga in 160 characters:

Doga Schools' aim is to provide an individual development for pupils in a way that is multi-directional, participative, creative and sensitive.

Partner connections

Connecting Cultures/Sariyer-Doga has no connections so far.

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