European Training Calendar
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Training Course
2-6 July 2024 | Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Inclusion and diversity are important priorities in the European youth programmes, but not all activities are tailored to a wide range of needs. This training course invites youth workers, event organisers and facilitators to improve their practices to make their group activities with overnight stays in the youth sector (e.g. exchanges, courses, seminars, team volunteering) more inclusive so everyone is able to feel welcome and participate regardless of their individual background and needs.
In 3 full working days, you will further develop your competences to make your overnight group activities in the youth sector more inclusive and diversity-sensitive. In this course you will:
Note: this is not a basic project/activity/event management course.
Nobody is perfect, luckily! We can all learn from each other to improve our daily practices. You will get the time and space to share your professional and personal experiences.
Through a mix of inputs and non-formal methods (learning by doing, trying out, time for sharing and reflecting) we hope to empower you to get better in what you do. The course endeavours to be an example of an inclusive activity, so you can take tips, practices and tools from it to your own work.
We especially invite participants that experience(d) participation barriers or discrimination themselves. We are happy to shape the conditions that allow it for you to work on this training.
You can find more information about the inclusion measures we have put in place for you in the additional information (download).
You can apply until 19 April 23:59 CET via the SALTO-platform (click on "Apply now!"). The ‘motivation and background’ questions can be answered by completing the form, or by submitting a video or voice recording. All application methods will be processed equally, we invite you to use the one that feels the most comfortable. Please find more information in 'Guidelines application' (see downloads).
We’re aiming for a group that is diverse in terms of experience and expertise. The selection will be made by national agencies and regional SALTO’s. We will inform you by 3 May the latest whether you are selected or not.
If you experience difficulties in accessing the form, we're happy to provide you with a screen reader-friendly version. Just send a mail to
Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.
This activity has already happened!
This Training Course is
for 30 participants
from Eastern Partnership countries , Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries
, Southern Mediterranean countries
, Western Balkan countries
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers
Accessibility info:
This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.
Working language(s):
(International) English
ANEFORE (National Agency)
Contact for questions:
Pieter-Jan De Graeve
Phone: +32499473619
This project is financed by the participating National Agencies (NAs) of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme. The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your National Agency or SALTO Resource Centre (SALTO) to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country.
The hosting NA of this offer will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food.
Please contact your NA or SALTO in order to know whether they would support your travel costs. If yes, after being selected, get in touch with your NA or SALTO again to learn more about the overall procedure to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.