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Coach the change

Training Course

16 October 2018 - 27 January 2019 | Slovak Republic

It´s a long term training course for youth workers and organizations working with youth, interested in Nonviolent Communication and coaching. 1st phase is 16-21 October 2018 in Doubravka, Czech Republic and 2nd phase is 22-27 January 2019 in Slovakia
Intro Many organizations in the field of youth are struggling with ways to keep up with the daily changes as well as follow the new trends of youth. In this training, we will answer the question how to work effectively with change and at the same time, how to be the stable and well functioning organization where people enjoy working and client base is growing. The main aim of this project is to improve the quality of youth work practice in Central Europe, to contribute to the improvement of the competencies of youth workers and their ability to face new challenges. The main focus will be given to change management and fostering innovations and quality in the youth work through developing coaching skills and implementing Nonviolent Communication approach.Thanks to that the participants will influence modernization and capacity building of their NGOs and at the same time, they will have bigger impact on young people in their community. Since the facilitation of change is not entirely simple, we have decided for long-term training course with two interphases. It is a complex training with key topics that have been identified. Some topics will be done just in one separate block and some of the topics we plan to repeat but always go to different depths (e.g. coaching, Nonviolent Communication, how to deal with change in different aspects etc.) In that framework the specific objectives for this training are: - To gain awareness of new trends in youth work and among young people, which can bring changes and to learn how to work with changes in the youth field to raise the quality of youth work. - To train youth workers in new skills (e.g. coaching methods, communication skills, teamwork, theory of change) which will help them to work better with their target groups and within the organization. - To help youth workers to be ready to use innovative approaches, tools and methods in everyday practice. Profile of Participants - active members of youth organizations working with young people or running activities for them, - there is the possibility to have 2 representatives (tandem) per one organization. Recommended combination is 1 youth worker (doing the direct activities for/with youth) + 1 legal representative (director or other decision maker in organization). Please apply separately. - are coming from Slovakia, Czech Republic or Poland. - having willingness and ability to participate in the whole project/training process. - are in age 18+. - are motivated to share the newly gained competences and to facilitate the process of change within their organisations. - being able to well express themselves in English. Methodology The program will be based on the principles of Non-Formal Learning. Activities will be mostly experiential and interactive. Sessions will be built around group exercises, games and case studies. Participants are expected not only to learn the presented tools, but also to envisage their practical application and plan concrete ways to implement them within their organizations. Trainers team Jolana Dočkalová has been working for Czech National Agency YOUTH in different roles (as a programme coordinator, a trainer and a coach) more than 10 years. She is actively involved in NGO ANEV (Association of non-formal education), which aims to promote non-formal education and its quality, through a long-term training course for youth workers called “Marker CS”. Jolana graduated in Cultural anthropology and attended a long-term training course in Systemic Coaching in 2009. Since then she has been using a coaching approach as a powerful educational tool in different contexts and with many target groups (youth workers, teachers, young people, NGOs teams). She mainly focuses on supporting the capacity building of non-profit organizations and on developing the potential of young people and youth workers. She co-founded Czech-Slovakian network of Coaches for youth initiatives and currently, she is in charge of establishing a network of coaches for volunteer projects. Magdalena Malinowska is a coach and trainer of empathic communication, having many years of experience in working in non-formal education and youth work sector. Her work is based on Nonviolent Communication (NVC) created by Marshall B. Rosenberg, non-formal learning methods and on Coaching for Transformation approach. She will be responsible for introducing Nonviolent Communication and coaching approach and helping participants to implement it in their organisations. She finished Cross-cultural Psychology, the School of Psychological Training and Workshop at the Centre for Education and Psychological Assistance INTRA and a three-year School for Trainers of Empathic Communication in Dojrzewalnia Róż. She also finished the 9-days training „Needs based Coaching” run by Pernille Plantener (Denmark), an accredited coach PCC ICF, and the postgraduation studies Life Coaching Start Up in Collegium Civitas, approved by ICF (ACSTH). She got to know Nonviolent Communication in 2010 and learned it from many CNVC certified trainers. Her mission is to spread Nonviolent Communication and coaching approach everywhere possible, also among NGOs. Tibor Škrabský is a graduate of Comenius University in Bratislava. Since 1996, he has been working in IUVENTA - the Slovak Youth Institute as project manager, supervisor later as Director of the National Agency for the European Union's Youth and Youth in Action Program. In 2016, he coordinated the preparation and implementation of the Presidency of the Slovak Republic of the Council of the European Union in the field of youth. At present, he is devoted to creating a methodology for the strategic planning of youth organizations. He is focusing, among other things, on the management and implementation of training in various areas of non-formal education, particularly training of trainers and methodological work for more than 22 years. Tibor will be responsible mostly for helping participants to set up suitable strategic planning for their organizations.

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 24 participants participants

from Czech Republic, Poland, Slovak Republic

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth project managers

Working language(s):

English (in some parts using also national languages)


YouthWatch (Youth NGO)


  • Asociace neformálního vzdelávaní (ANEV) (Youth NGO)
  • Stowarzyszenie JEDEN SWIAT (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Alena Tomanová


Phone: 0944 732 320/0047 967 02 912


The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme. The organizers cover the accommodation, boarding and program-related costs. Travel costs will be reimbursed after the training course by all partners based on a fully presented travel reimbursement claim (flight bookings, boarding tickets, invoices, bus/train tickets) according to distance bands up to max amount as stated below: 1nd phase in Czech republic Slovak participants 180 € Polish participants 180 € Czech participants 20 € 2nd phase in Slovakia Slovak participants 20 € Polish participants 180 € Czech participants 180 € All detailed instructions will be explained to selected participants. We are asking all participants for financial contribution to the training course. In the context of mutual exchange and with respect to different financial conditions in participating countries we suggest a sliding scale between 30 and 100 EUR. The final amount of contribution is up to the participant. All participants must have valid insurance.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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