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Breaking the cycle

Training Course

23-29 May 2024 | Daugirdiškės, Lithuania

"Breaking the Cycle" is a 7-day training course, that will focus on mental health awareness, getting a better understanding of oneself, and self-empowerment. The aim is to start building connections, outside in the community and within.

There is still a stigma prevailing in our culture that asking for help is a sign of weakness. We are scared to be vulnerable.
We are too preoccupied with our busy schedules to care about our well-being, let alone listen to the struggles of a friend or another person. In often cases we do not even fully understand our own needs and the reasons for our pain.
Our mentality and perception are in the way of making society more inclusive and supportive. 
During this training course, we want to talk about emotions, traumas, our inner selves and grow empathy for ourselves and others.

Objectives of the project:

  • Raise awareness and shift people’s mindset about mental well-being;
  • Enhance participants’ competencies in active listening, stress management, and psychological First Aid;
  • To provide participants with non-formal and informal tools and techniques for mental well-being to improve their daily work with youth;
  • Sharing good practices among participating countries;
  • To strengthen participants’ knowledge of the Erasmus+ Programme and provide the opportunity to brainstorm and work on future projects related to the topics of mental well-being.

Profile of participants:

- Sufficient knowledge of English;
- Actively working with people;
- Interested in the topic;
- Interest in personal development & better self-understanding.


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 30 participants

from Georgia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine

and recommended for

Youth workers

Working language(s):



Aidinti karta (Youth NGO)

Association Aidinti karta (Generation Echo) is a non-profit/non-governmental youth association whose main target group is youth with fewer opportunities (youth from rural areas, youth belonging to ethnic minorities, NEETs, etc.). The association aims at youth empowerment, organization of joint activities, and active participation of youth in community life. We contribute to the organization of their leisure time, the implementation of youth initiatives, and the promotion of volunteering activities.
Generation Echo organizes workshops, trainings, camps, and seminars for both young people and youth workers, to create opportunities for young people to improve skills in personal and professional areas, and so that youth workers can support them on their path.
Generation Echo has been a member of the EPTO network since 2020, and a member of the Council of Lithuanian Youth Organizations (LiJOT) since 2021.
The main topics we tackle are mental health, human rights, and ecology.

Contact for questions:



Phone: +37069455846


Participation fee

There is no participation fee

Accommodation and food

The project is co-funded by the European Commission and travel, accommodation, workshops, and food costs are covered. No additional costs are required.

Travel reimbursement

Travel expenses will be reimbursed based on the real costs not exceeding the lump sums based on the travel distances:

Lithuania - 23 Eur;
Latvia - 180 Eur;
Ukraine, Slovenia, Macedonia, Italy, Romania - 275 Eur;
Portugal, Sakartvelo - 360 Eur.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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